Does the attitude of the American society contribute to the increase in black on black crime? Do the powers that be even care, or is it a matter of black violence, black problem, who cares so long as that problem is confined to black areas. I have been reading various comments on messaging boards regarding crime in America, it is clear that some white Americans take great pleasure in pointing out that the level of Black on Black crime is proof that blacks are inferior and genetically predisposed to crime and violence, some are certainly enjoying themselves at the expense of human misery.
They do not see this as an American problem, no, to them America is quite fine and operating within normal parameters, since the people committing the crimes are of African origin which proves that they are savages and in their world everything is hunky dory. What made it even worst is the fact that America's President is half black, so it is even more important that black people in general fail. There are certain elements of white America who have made it their lives work to prove that blacks are inferior, savages and a threat to society. What amazes me was that during hard times, for example, the World Trade Centre attack, they pretend to be one people, unified against the world, it was a pretentious hug fest performed for the benefit of others but in reality they are anything but unified. It seems black people pay taxes but are expected to solve their own crime problem as the security forces are for protecting whites only.
I do not believe that black people or any other human being for that matter are genetically predisposed to violence, so why then are some black people acting inferior and like savages towards each other in one of the world’s richest and most powerful country? For the most part American Black Ghettos are not created by accident, they were engineered into existence and what is happening today is by design, a process that was put in place long ago to create a culture of ignorance and violence within the black population which is now self-sustaining, taking on a life of its own, while the people who helped to engineer this situation, sit back and enjoy their handy work. Take for example Levittown which was designed to provide a large amount of housing at a time when there was a high demand for affordable family homes. Before the sale of Levittown homes began, the sales agents were aware that no applications from black families would be accepted. As a result American veterans who wished to purchase a home in Levittown were unable to do so if they were black. William Levitt, the promoter of Levittown, attempted to justify their decision by saying that whites prefer not to live in mixed communities and his decision was only business not personal. This mind-set also extended to both governments and corporations who invest more in white areas than they do in black areas.
Of course, without a shadow of a doubt, black people must accept full responsibilities for their actions or lack of actions in allowing the spread of pure ignorance to swagger throughout black communities. I will go even further to say that as Human Beings regardless of colour, we must accept responsibilities for our actions or lack of actions but I have been on this earth long enough to know human beings do not regard themselves as one unified entity. No one really cares about the level of ignorance that is swaggering its way across black communities, no one really cares about finding solutions not the government, not corporations and certainly not popular black culture who depends on this level of ignorance to get paid. It is also retarded to expect ignorant people to come up with their own solutions, well for one they are ignorant and it is their ignorance that is the cause of the problem and I am certain you will not like the solutions they come up with, the self-sustaining crime and violence in the black Ghettos is evidence of that.
Enter the For-Profit Prison System that requires millions of customers for its shareholder to make a profit and… tag you are it, black people. This is also part of the design process where people are engineered to become customers to the Prison system, private contract companies are hired and are paid per head to run the system, the bigger the prison population the more money they get and a steady flow of inmates are required to keep that cash flow going. It stands to reason that loads of people are profiting off Black peoples ignorance, so why would the stakeholders want to put in place measures that would stop this flow of easy cash money... The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners, 2.3 million criminals behind bars. It has 751 people in prison or jail for every 100,000 in population. (If you count only adults, 1 in 100 Americans is locked up.). Approximately 12%-13% of the American population is African-American, but they make up a staggering 40.1% of the prison population, 1 in 3 Black Men Go to Prison. The lack of investments in Black Communities was designed to help feed this prison system, these areas have poor and dilapidated educational institutions, poorly paid and unqualified teachers and lack of proper health care and job opportunities. Black communities are left alone, isolated from the mainstream and allowed to stew in their own festering pool of ignorance. Everyone knows that if you want your child to have a proper education, you must try to get them in a school with majority white pupils because that is where your tax dollars goes. Not to mention American Ghettos are laboratories for GMO companies selling all manner of nasty disgusting chemicals they call food and the source of great wealth for Gun manufacturers and sellers, guns are everywhere in America. The fact is if the parents are uneducated and ignorant then chances are the child will also be uneducated and ignorant and even more than the parent.
The For Profit Prison System is big business, take for example, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group, Prison Contract Companies with 50 percent of their annual earnings through state level contracts, while the remaining 50 percent comes through contracts with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, US Marshals and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and as of 2010, these two private prison giants netted a total of $2.9 billion and got $29 million in tax dollars each year …just these two companies. AND get this…. According to NASDAQ data, the retirement funds of government employees – including public school teachers – "are some of the biggest investors in private prisons": "The retirement funds for public employees and teachers in New York and California together have about $60 million ($30 million each) invested in CCA and GEO. Teacher retirement funds in Texas and Kentucky have $8.3 million and $4 million invested in prisons respectively, and public employees in Florida ($10.3 million), Ohio ($8.6 million), Texas ($5.6 million), Arizona ($5.3 million), and Colorado ($2.25 million) are also connected to the industry."
Breaking the cycle of Black on Black violence is not going to be easy nor will it end anytime soon as it is not in the best interest of Corporate America and the Government, coupled with the fact that the problems that exist in the black communities are confined to those communities, so very little chance of it reaching white main street America. As I said in a previous post, one long, long time ago in America, we were taking my cousins girlfriend back to her campus in Westchester, when the cops pulled us over, he ask us why we were in his neck of the woods and told us to leave as soon as possible, after we dropped her off, we looked behind us to see him following us all the way back to the highway, just to make sure we got out of town…
Poverty, violence and human suffering is big business for white America, so if you have a few quid and do not mind making money off human misery and suffering then these are the stocks you need to buy because as Wesley Snipes said in the movie Passenger 57 …."Always bet on black"
Corrections Corp of America NYSE: CXW - Jul 18 2:57pm ET 33.02+0.02 (0.06%) | The Geo Group, Inc. NYSE: GEO - Jul 18 2:57pm ET 35.30+0.42 (1.20%) |
As of FY09, Black Soldiers comprised approximately 20% of the active-duty Army, 13% of theArmy National Guard, and 22% of the Army Reserve.
Blacks serve in the Army at a rate that is higher than their representation in the U.S. population. For example, as of FY09, the percentage of Black enlisted Soldiers in the active-duty Army was 21% compared to 17% of the U.S. population of 18-39 year old Blacks with high school diplomas. High representation of Blacks was also noted in the Officer ranks where 13% were Black compared to 9% of the U.S. population of 25-54 year old Blacks with college degrees.
The Jamaican Ghetto was created for almost the same reason as their American counterpart, born out of slavery, colonialism, rejection and poverty but it was the home grown colonial black Jamaicans who transformed it into what it is today for the very same reasons, for Greed, Power and money. Our Prison System however is not a For-Profit Prison system, unless you include the guards taking bribes, as power and money is not centered around it but on our ghettos. Is it me or are Jamaicans in the Ghetto spending their time watching nightly international news to find out the names of the world’s most disgusting hot spots, and crazy lunatics then rename their communities and themselves to match crazy town… Vietnam', 'Angola' or 'Jungle 12, Angola' is Goldsmith Villas and 'Vietnam' is Bottom River. 'Jungle 12', named for 12 young men who had and admired friends in 'Jungle' (Arnett Gardens) is Colour Yellow and the now famous Gaza.Human Misery as Entertainment
MSNBC -Lockup
TruTv- Inside American Jail
NatGeo- Lockdown
TLC- Police Women of Broward County
TLC- Police Women of Memphis
Spike TV-DEA
A&E-The First 48
A&E-Steven Seagal: Lawman
truTV-Las Vegas Jailhouse
G4- Campus PD
TLC- Mall Cops
MSNBC -Lockup
TruTv- Inside American Jail
NatGeo- Lockdown
TLC- Police Women of Broward County
TLC- Police Women of Memphis
Spike TV-DEA
A&E-The First 48
A&E-Steven Seagal: Lawman
truTV-Las Vegas Jailhouse
G4- Campus PD
TLC- Mall Cops
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