Home » Archives for 2013
Posted by
ONLINE on Thursday, October 31, 2013

How do you decide who to vote for in a General Election? How do you determine if an elected Government was a success or a failure and does that affect your electoral decisions? For many Jamaicans the decision as to who they [...]
More about → The Anatomy of Selecting or De-Selecting A Political Party!
Posted by
ONLINE on Monday, September 30, 2013

In my previous blog I emphasized the need for Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures as a requirement for any system to operate properly. It is important that everyone understands the Rules, Regulations, Policies and [...]
More about → Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures, The Jamaican Way
Posted by
ONLINE on Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sometime ago I worked for a financial company, one night at around 3 AM the operations department encountered a problem with one of the applications and called the software developer on duty to investigate. He logged into [...]
More about → Jamaica, The Land where Anarchy Reigns
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We are a Dancehall DJ Country… Lots of Jamaicans grew up listening to dancehall DJ’s as they fluently spit out lyrics and rhymes. We are often amazed by their ability to ride the rhythm and captivate the audiences. This [...]
More about → Jamaica, Land of Political Deejays
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Are we Ungovernable? "Unpoliceable"?There are a lot of Poor countries on planet earth, some poorer than my Jamaica, with a lot of poor people living their lives trying to make the best of what life throws at them. A lot [...]
More about → Jamaica, News of the Week ending September 28th 2013
Posted by
ONLINE on Friday, September 13, 2013

During my time at high school it was normal for us to get the occasional foreign student, these were mostly students of Jamaican Heritage who were sent to Jamaica to live with relatives and get a solid Jamaican education. [...]
More about → Jamaica High School Chronicles: Culture Clash
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By the time I was in third form Chinese Kung Fu movies became the craze of the land and every movie theatre used to show them, some movie theatres are however known only for their Kung Fu movies aka Kickkas like the State [...]
More about → Jamaica High School Chronicles: Master Nuts vs. Pen Foot
Posted by
ONLINE on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My first real hurricane was Gilbert, before that my sister and I would complain that the weather service was bogus, each time a hurricane was coming and everyone prepared, it almost always managed to miss us in the end. [...]
More about → How I Survived Hurricane Gilbert, September 12th, 1988
Posted by
ONLINE on Friday, August 23, 2013

Will Jamaica ever progress as a country, can Jamaica ever achieve any sort of economic or social progress under our current political system. I am beginning to believe we are stuck in quicksand, caught in a quagmire and [...]
More about → Jamaica, IMF, China and the Environment