Imports, Financial Crisis, Bailout and Hennessy

Posted by ONLINE on Saturday, June 30, 2012

Import and DestroyKingston-Wharves, Imports Only Wharves- Exports not Allowed!!Some time ago in 2009, the then Minister of Agriculture declared that fertilizer from Jamaican companies was too expensive and as such Jamaica [...]
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State of Flux

Posted by ONLINE on Monday, June 18, 2012

:A state of uncertainty about what should be done.I came upon a debate taking place on the messaging board of a popular Jamaican online news site in which one set of Jamaicans was correcting the spelling of another set of [...]
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The British Cornish Pasty vs. The Jamaican Beef Patty

Posted by ONLINE on Sunday, June 3, 2012

I love my Jamaican Beef Patty and the Cornish Pasty, I am not sure which one came first or if they are even related but the concepts are the same, take a delicious baked crust and fill it with tasty meaty goodness. In the [...]
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The Austerity, Inflationary, No Growth, Bitter Medicine, Debt Reducing IMF Budget

Posted by ONLINE on Saturday, June 2, 2012

As far as I am concerned this “Austerity, Inflationary, No Growth, Bitter Medicine” Budget is a rubbish budget but whichever party was in power I feel would have to deliver this “Austerity, Inflationary, No Growth, Bitter [...]
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