Jamaica is The Riverton City Dump of the Exporting World

Posted by ONLINE on Monday, April 30, 2012

Jamaica have become the Export Dumping GroundMy impression of Jamaicans when I was growing up was that we were very picky eaters, concerned with the quality of our food, where it came from, who was preparing it and what [...]
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The Jamaica Observer Page 2 Pictures.

Posted by ONLINE

If you want to legitimize anything in Jamaica such as a social event or a business, keep a party and invite some white or light skin people then have the Jamaica Observer take pictures for Page 2. The Observer will mostly [...]
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Tek Bad Things Mek Joke

Posted by ONLINE on Thursday, April 26, 2012

(Finding fun in a bad situation)Bomb Threat and EvacuationDonkey years ago I was working for a Government agency whose office was located on the 12th Floor. One morning around 10 am the fire alarm went off and an announcement [...]
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Jamaica: Economic and Social Statistics

Posted by ONLINE on Tuesday, April 24, 2012

tr.NONE {background-color:blue; color:white;} tr.JLP {background-color:green; color:white;} tr.PNP {background-color:orange; color:black;} td.PNPWin {background-color:orange; color:black;} td.JLPWin {background-color:green; [...]
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