Biting the hands that feed you?

Posted by ONLINE on Thursday, November 24, 2011

I was just on a messaging board and a discussion about world affairs came up and America was mentioned, everyone had their own opinions and expressed them, no malice, everyone was just trying to lay down some facts and logic. [...]
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Local Body Foreign Mind

Posted by ONLINE on Sunday, November 20, 2011

A public relation company came to Jamaica back in the late 70’s and performed an experiment, they invited some ladies to look at two sets of brassieres, one set marked made in Jamaica and the other set marked made in the [...]
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It is election time again In Jamaica

Posted by ONLINE on Thursday, November 17, 2011

A time when it becomes almost impossible to reason with the Jamaican people, when logic no longer exist, election is like a fever that affects the brains of the people, turning them into political zombies, with one intention, [...]
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