Home » Archives for August 2011
Posted by
ONLINE on Monday, August 29, 2011

There are times when a club finishes the season on fire, when something wonderful happens and the entire squad jells to the point where team mates communicate with each other using telepathy, they know exactly where to pass [...]
More about → Arsenal Through and Through
Posted by
ONLINE on Thursday, August 18, 2011

David-Starkey claims: Whites have become blackFirst let me say:If the recent riot in the city of London was happening in Jamaica I wonder what the headlines in the British media would be. They would highlight all manner [...]
More about → Whites have become Black ...WTF?
Posted by
ONLINE on Monday, August 15, 2011

Yardies are destroying Her Majesties Perfect SocietyI wrote this on: January 1st 2003 and decided to Blog it. It seems that almost all crimes committed in the UK is expected to have a Jamaican connection, it is the first [...]
More about → Removing the Jamaican Menace (2003)