A Jamaican Farm for the Future

Posted by ONLINE on Thursday, March 24, 2011

When I was young my uncles use to call be both "infarmer" (informer) and farmer: I would tell my grandmother on my uncles every time I see them doing something they should not be doing, so "infarmer" in Jamaican Patios [...]
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Jamaica’s Political Parties and the People who Support them:

Posted by ONLINE on Monday, March 21, 2011

In the game of politics there are two types of players who disgust me, the first is the politician and the second is the die-hard party supporter.   The Politician and the Party All politicians disgust me even [...]
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Arsenal Till I die!

Posted by ONLINE on Sunday, March 20, 2011

This is the year I thought the young gunners would have come of age, this is the year I thought Wenger would have prevailed and the great experiment paid off but instead we have been knocked out of all competitions and our [...]
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Ineffable Place

Posted by ONLINE on Wednesday, March 16, 2011

*****I dreamt Jamie was at my house, but not my house.   I don’t know why I dreamt of her… .  She was at my house, but not my house.  A big, old, drafty clapboard house.  Painted green and cream.  There we sat with mugs [...]
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My Favourite Parish: Portland

Posted by ONLINE on Monday, March 14, 2011

Born and bred in Kingston and St. Andrew, that is the place I call home but it is the rural parish of Portland with its capital Port Antonio that I hope will be my final resting place, this is where I have instructed my [...]
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