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Posted by
ONLINE on Saturday, December 31, 2011

I am trying to analyze the reason why the JLP failed so miserable at the polls. For a full understanding we must return to the events of 2007, the then JLP opposition ran a very good campaign but still only managed to beat [...]
More about → Jamaica Election 2011: The Worst Campaign I have ever seen
Posted by
ONLINE on Friday, December 30, 2011

So now I am going through the new Government’s Manifestos, 63 pages of Empty Promises and Lies, trying to create a spreadsheet of each promise, date promised made and expected delivery by date. To me a due date is a commitment, [...]
More about → Manifestos, Book of Lies and Empty Promises
Posted by
ONLINE on Saturday, December 24, 2011

...........Breakboy NrgIn the time of Julius Caesar, December 25th was the date of the winter solstice. In the northern hemisphere, on the winter solstice the sun reaches its lowest point on the horizon, creating the shortest [...]
More about → What Christmas means to me
Posted by
ONLINE on Saturday, December 3, 2011

When I am there, nothing else seems to matter, nothing seems that important, When I am there, All my stress is over there, beyond the horizon, in a land far, far away, stories on the 6 o'clock news. When I am there [...]
More about → When I am there!
Posted by
ONLINE on Thursday, November 24, 2011

I was just on a messaging board and a discussion about world affairs came up and America was mentioned, everyone had their own opinions and expressed them, no malice, everyone was just trying to lay down some facts and logic. [...]
More about → Biting the hands that feed you?
Posted by
ONLINE on Sunday, November 20, 2011

A public relation company came to Jamaica back in the late 70’s and performed an experiment, they invited some ladies to look at two sets of brassieres, one set marked made in Jamaica and the other set marked made in the [...]
More about → Local Body Foreign Mind
Posted by
ONLINE on Thursday, November 17, 2011

A time when it becomes almost impossible to reason with the Jamaican people, when logic no longer exist, election is like a fever that affects the brains of the people, turning them into political zombies, with one intention, [...]
More about → It is election time again In Jamaica
Posted by
ONLINE on Saturday, October 15, 2011

I recently came across a Jamaica travel video done by voyagetv.com called Hands-On History. It features Bellefield Great House, Montego Bay. Not one to pass up anything to do with great houses, one of my [...]
More about → That Oh So Special Time